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Game Info
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Info Box
System: Dreamcast
Publisher: Sega
Developer: Sega/Overworks
PAL Release: April
Cost: AU$??.??

[Skies of Arcadia]

[A floating island. Nice...]

A village on a floating island. Very nice.


After an eternity of waiting (or near that :), the Dreamcast is now building up something resembling a library of RPGs. Well, two or three at any rate. Whatever the case, Skies of Arcadia certainly looks the goods so far. Set in a world of floating islands with Pirates in airships patrolling the skies, Skies of Arcadia combines traditional party combat with ship based cannon battles. Who hasn't felt like hoisting the Jolly Roger and blowing holes in foe's ships? Well?

[Skies of Arcadia]

Vyse, Fina and Aika