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System: PlayStation

Publisher: Empire Interactive

Developer: The Bitmap Brothers

PAL Release: NOW

Cost: $59.95


SpeedBall 2100

Graphics [5/10]

Very average, some ugly polygonal models. Sad to say, but the Amiga/Mega Drive versions looked better!

Sound [6/10]

Some okay music, decent effects let down by low sample rates.

Gameplay [8/10]

Here's where it redeems itself, once the player gets used to the sloppy controls, the game becomes addictive very quickly.

Replay Value [High]

Knockout, Player Manager, Manager and Practice modes available in a variety of difficulty settings.

PAL Conversion [Very Good]

Only small borders on this one, most TVs won't show this much of the screen anyway!


Good, solid, retro fun. Variety of play modes.


Bit of a missed opportunity, poor graphics and sound.