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Game Info
Image Corner
Info Box
System: PlayStation
Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: GameArts
PAL Release: Mid-2000
Cost: AU$29.95



[Update]  Grandia is now available for a budget price: $29.95. As if you needed more reason to purchase. The interesting thing about it? The cover art is a shot of the previous cover art, surround by a border. Hmm.. Oh well, the Australian version came off quite well in the style department, compared to the other markets around the world.

The review scores, BTW, are [here]



I love this game. It really is 50-60 hours of wonderment. From the wonderfully implemented battle system to the characters themselves, it is a fantastic RPG.


ABOVE: Is that really an appropriate outfit for adventuring? Hmm..?


The game is only let down by the struggle the PlayStation has trying to run a game originally designed for the Saturn's twin processors. And for those of us in the PAL territories, it is a particularly awful conversion. Mmm, widescreen. Not.

[Justin and Feena]

ABOVE: ...and this is one of my favorite bits of artwork floating around.


Apart from technical gripes, there isn't much to dislike about this game. Go. Buy. Enjoy. Just don't try to use Justin's "lines" in real life...

[Some of Grandia's male cast]

ABOVE: Some of Grandia's male cast.

Graphics [6/10]

Dripping with charm but plagued by slowdown and glitching

Sound [7/10]

Voice acting is a mixed bag; ranging from fantastic to God-awful. Music is very nice, indeed.

Gameplay [9/10]

Wonderful battle-system. Having full control of the camera certainly helps as well.

Replay Value [High]

Several optional side-quests, and you should be coming back to gain all the spells and skills.

PAL Conversion [Poor]

Woeful. Huge borders and problems with sound timing are the main offenders.


A wonderful storyline, great characters and one of the best battle-systems ever seen in a RPG.


The PAL conversion, some awful voice acting.

[Justin, Feena & Liete]

ABOVE: Justin, Feena and Liete