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[Garnet in Alexandria]

ABOVE: Garnet in Alexandria


Another year, another Final Fantasy. Okay, it's not quite like they're a yearly proposition, but as FF9 comes almost exactly one year after FF8 it feels quite soon to be having another Final Fantasy to play. Not that I'm complaining, of course :)

For a change, FF9 features a hero who is actually happy to be a hero! Zidane enjoys looking after his motley crew of followers, made up of the usual cast of social misfits you'd expect to find. What he enjoys more than being a hero, however, is his reputation as a ladies man. Poor Garnet must facr some of the most unsubtle come-ons in the history of the world!

[Zidane and Garnet]

As we've become accustomed, FF9 features copious amounts of beautifully rendered CG cutscenes.

ABOVE: Hands off, Sailor!


We also have our token bad guys: In this case played by the freaky Queen Brahne and the overly girly Kuja. It all starts as the Regent Cid of Lindblum hires the mercenary group Tantalus to to kidnap Princess Garnet to further investigate Brahnes evil doings in the neighboring kingdom of Alexandria. Making life a little easier, the Princess actually _wants_ to be kidnapped - she is just as eager to find out why her mother has taken to evil.

From humble beginnings, this game (of course) sets out on an epic quest across the known world, and more besides, that each character may learn more about themself while saving the world (again!).


The battle engine harkens back to FF5 days as well, albeit with a slightly cut-down Job System. We also see the return of MP (take _that_ FF8!)

[Zidane and Steiner]

ABOVE: Zidane and Steiner look pensive

Sound [9/10] A truly amazing soundtrack. Battle effects are solid, as always.
Gameplay [8/10]

Battles are rather on the slow side. Plenty of reason to keep playing, though.

Replay Value [Medium]

The usual collection of mini-games and Chocobo collecting.

PAL Conversion [Appalling]

_Huge_ borders; slow speed really impacts on some aspects of the game - especially battles.


Interesting storyline, appealing cast of characters.


Slow battles, not as compelling as FF7.


ABOVE: Garnet looks overly cheerful