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Top Games
Image Corner

Rinoa, dressed for the ball.


Squall, missing the bus.


[Final Fantasy VIII]

[A Final Fantasy VIII Poster]

FF8 was one of the most anticipated games to be released for the PlayStation, and I think the games media as a whole went off when it was released, before re-thinking sometime later and becoming slightly more lukewarm to the game. I had the opposite reaction: initally feeling a bit let down, after going back to the game for the second time falling in love with it. Well, maybe not quite that dramatic ^-^

[Rinoa at the SeeD Ball]

Rinoa at the SeeD Ball

[Rinoa.. pointing...]

Rinoa points at shooting star.. also at the Ball.

Graphics [9/10]

Gorgeous cinemas; good battle engine; world map improved over FF7.

Sound [8/10]

Some great music, some only so-so; some sound effects can become grating.

Gameplay [9/10]

Junction system adds an extraordinary amount of depth to the game; Card game a nice distraction; Can't fault the classic battle system.

Replay Value [Medium-High]

Card game adds replayability; several optional GFs to collect; some truly wacky sidequests; Chocobos as always...

PAL Conversion [Poor]

Large borders; noticeable speed loss


Great storyline; characters you can care about; Junction system is fantastic!


Button bashing 'Boost' system; poor PAL conversion.