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Evolution: World of Sacred Device

[The cast and crew...]
Graphics [8/10]

A touch simplistic, but very cute. The DC whips them out at a cracking pace, too. Very, _very_ smooth.

Sound [7/10]

Nothing special. The characters make cute noises occasionally, and speak (in Japanese) before performing a special move.

Gameplay [7/10] Nice battle-system. Game mainly involves crawling through dungeons fighting monsters; that is to say: It does become quite repetetive.
Replay Value [Low]

Not sure that anyone would go through it all again, although it is quite short.

PAL Conversion [Excellent]

God bless Sega and the 60Hz option. No more slowdown, no more borders.

Pros Cute characters, decent storyline (when it kicks in).


A tad repetetive, some bosses are overly cheap. Quite short.